Monday, June 2, 2008

june 2. Fifty-nine

7 am... ready to walk out the door. One of those, Iamholdingthecamerapicturesand hopingIdon'tlooklikeaIhaverecentlysufferedastroke shots. No smile and you can still see the pillow mark on my cheek. Age does not feel kind. I am fifty-nine today and can't even find a dog to get along with.
Oh, doesn't this look better? Taken at 7:30 pm... the light is softer, I have been playing with getting my picture in the mirror.... and look at me! New shawl and handmade earrings from my far-away daughter. thank you, thank you and they arrived just on time! The square beads on the earrings are beautifully cut and flash with light as I move my head. I could use a touch of lipstick, but other than that not too bad for a senior citizen.
On another (senior) note, I read an article by Abigail Thomas in my recent AARP magazine about writing. She's got a two page rule. Write two pages about the softest thing, write two pages on being cold, write two pages about a marriage proposal... I liked her article and then realized I had her book, Safekeeping, on my nightstand. Anyway, today on the way to work I was telling myself, write two pages about sleeping on the ground, write two pages about doing laundry, write two pages about what you can do with blue and orange....
Talked to my sister this evening. She will be here in a few days, told her we needed to take a walk around old Glendale and see if there is a studio for me there.... I'm looking for something. I'll know it when I find it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you look beautiful. the second picture is really nice. and I'm glad you like my present!