Wednesday, June 4, 2008

6/4 last day

wore the jeans. no one said a word, except dr. gleason, who told me we were not allowed to wear jeans today. i told him i knew that, but decided to wear them anyway.

honestly, i looked fine. better than fine. neat and tidy... no bra straps showing, no 3 inches of cleavage, no thong peaking out... just your basic conservative art gal.

write two pages on a small rebellion. write two pages on the musky smell of clay. write two pages on knowing when it is time to say goodbye.

my principal asked when i was coming in to paint my room... i laughed and told her I was so over that... told her i began to get over it when she suggested i do it in the next three days... told her to have a great summer...

write two pages on making friends. write two pages on getting over it.

tomorrow i start summer vacation, sigh! i feel the weight lifting already.

1 comment:

Connie said...

They make you paint your room where you at??? Oh my dear friend. Isn't the world of education a silly place sometimes.

Peace & Love.