Wednesday, November 14, 2007

what I learned today

If you hand out four brand new business cards and act like you really are that person some folks will take you very seriously.

A macro lens is a camera lens for very close shots... but that I can set my 35mm to get the same thing and that many digitals can be programmed to take macro photos. Now all I need to do is do a little experimenting and maybe ask for professional help.

Some folks who sell on etsy do not have cameras any better than the one my daughter was critical of... but I want a better one now, anyway.

If you tell the 8th graders that anyone who does not complete the assignment will get no higher than a D in the class, that they all get quiet and busy. Now why did I not do that before?!?

The patterns in Last Minute Knitted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson could possibly take me until next Christmas to finish.

Because of my eldest, I am now recieving the Urban Outfitters catalogue... and there is a sweater in it that has a vertical cable knit with an assymetrical button closure. Very interesting. I wonder if I could knit something like that using scrap yarn?

While walking early this morning I saw Casiopia and both dippers and, last, the small smile I have carried around all day is still sitting right here on my lips.

ps. I am just goshing with you, Lou, on the critical criticism...


Anonymous said...

i'm glad you put that note at the end, i was feeling a little bit bad. but c'mon - most of the photos I get from you are blurry! maybe the camera is fine - it's just your hand that's unsteady ;)

Barbara said...

Maybe... I noticed that I do have the "tulip" which according to the website I looked at will give me a macro picture. So I am going to continue to practice... but I think a better camera with more pixels would not hurt.