Monday, November 12, 2007

end of a three-day-weekend

Ahhhh! this has been the best. Three glorious days to just be me.

Lately I revel in my off-time. I have fallen absolutely in love with staying home, the sun coming in the window, the clean clothes hanging on the line... the sitting at my table and playing around with beads or sitting on the sofa watching TV and knitting up scarves from scrap yarn....

Scrap yarn scarves are a bit of long shot... I have really no idea how they might turn out... but I am knitting away, letting the process take the lead. Right now I am working on one that is all shades of purple with this creamy bit thrown in... hideous combination... but in the end it might just be okay. I am tackling my stash of beads the same way... just stringing and knotting and combining. Not thinking much, just doing. For right now this seems to be exactly how I need to handle this creative push I feel I am in.

I cleaned out a basket of yarns this afternoon... all ends of skeins, left-overs from projects... maybe I should make a sweater. One that is solid at the bottom but one that turns into crazy stripes near the shoulder area. I checked out a couple knit books from the library. One, The Twisted Sisters Knit Sweaters by Lynne Vogel, takes a very creative approach to the sweater. It even shows how to change the pattern from a horizontal knit to a vertical. Vertical stripes might be nice too.

Anyway, I am having fun and I am producing things... I am saying for my etsy shop... but I need to purchase a camera. My daughter, who was critical of my knives (poor knives) has told me I need to do something about the camera I use. Oh well, one thing at a time.

Dang! I have to go back to work tomorrow... and just when I was beginning to have some fun.

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