Thursday, March 6, 2008

what I needed today

Today, as I merged onto the freeway, I adjusted the volume on my radio. NPR. Clinton, Obama, McCain. Nope. I have had enough of that for a couple of days.

The sub-prime debacle, raising gas and food prices, global warming.... Oooo, I need a break from that, too.

Flip the channel. KSLX. Classic Rock. Loud. The way it was meant to be heard.

Play list: Sting, the Stones, Eagles.... I sang along and negotiated the traffic as I made my way to work.
In my classroom, I found the channel again and cranked up the volume. I stood near the back of the room, away from the windows and moved to the music. Dancing, like the girl doctors in Gray's Anatomy. Working the tension out.
With every break I had today, I returned to the music. Played it again, on my car radio, all the way home. Let it cascade over me and wash the day and the stress away. Danced and tapped my foot as I sang and drove.

Sometimes what I need is classical, sometimes opera, often I need chant or a new age sound... but for today and maybe tomorrow, too, what I need is the raw sound of old rock, the guitars wailing out their riffs, the familiar lyrics, the drum beat that pulls me along and throws me out the other side.

Maybe not quite, 'tame the savage beast' but at least gave the beast a place roar.

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