Saturday, March 22, 2008

morning stroll

The spring rains have brought beautiful vegetation to the hills, but have washed away all the soil from the trails, leaving a rocky path.
The brittlebush is in full bloom, brilliant yellow flowers against silver green foliage.
I finally reach the top and can see the trail leading down the hill in front of me. Look at the city sprawl. We are fortunate to have these mountain islands in the midst of the city.
I have just assured a group of Indian women that this is the last rise before the path heads down. One of the things that is changing in this city is the number of ethnic groups. When I first moved here it was Mexican and mid-westerners... but now the Asian, Indian, and African communities are growing. This is so enriching! Plus, the numbers of ethnic restaurants and groceries makes my life so interesting.
End of the trail. Good thing, too. My stomach is beginning to rumble, telling me the sushi I ate last night is long gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The top 2 pictures are so pretty. I love the desert in bloom.