Thursday, May 22, 2008


it is never this shade of green here... this cool, roll around in it, shade of green. this sure to give you a big grass stain shade of green... not even on the manicured golf courses where the water and fertilizer are sprinkled liberally does it get to be this shade.

sometimes I really miss green. I had a patch of grass, and I mean a patch... about a 4'x4' patch outside my kitchen window. I loved to look at it... it was so small I cut it with kitchen shears... but it never thrived, and after a few years I gave it up.

today it is cloudy and cooler... and everything in me is trying to drink it up, to find a place to save it... but it has been warm and very dry and the color green here is faded, grayed out to an olive... in fact most of the green is gone by now.

it's this green in Idaho, for a good long while, before July sets in... and even then, it stays this green where it is watered.

there are probably ants in this grass and if I sat in it they would bite me. still, still I'd like to sink my face into it, feel it on the back of my neck and behind my knees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well, i don't want to brag but... you know, it's pretty green here.