Monday, September 1, 2008

nothing accomplished

I had not planned this weekend on purpose.... seems so much of my time has been over planned, tightly scheduled... the only thing I told myself I wanted to do was clean my office, and that is the only thing I did not do.

Saturday wandered an hour north of here to Seven Springs with daughter and grandsons and spent the day watching and trying to help catch crawdads. The water was refreshingly cool, the crawdads were almost alarmingly plentiful, and the boys were in little-boy heaven. Honestly, even though when the day was over I was more than ready to go home to my quiet house and take a long shower, it was a great day, totally unstructured, and just what I needed.

Sunday I ran around... accomplished very little it feels like, just took care of errands, went to Borders and bought two books, one about writing and the other about art journals and picked the boys up at 4:30 to spend the night. Funny, even though the boys wear me out after a time, they also relax me. When they arrive the rest of my world must stop. Like holding a baby... when you hold a baby, nothing else in the world matters... anyway, we swam, ate dinner, built a fire in the chiminea and toasted marshmallows, took a bubble bath and read 6 books.... after that Grandma needed to go to bed, she was tired.

Monday the boys left at 11. I wrote in my journal, told myself to clean my office, but found something else to do instead. Parents, daughter and husband and glorious grandsons were coming to dinner at 4:30... I prepared my shish-ka-bobs, then sat down and leafed through a book. 8p.m. they all left and I packed up a box of art supplies to take to school tomorrow... I have some ideas and some extra time this week where I might be able to think about my own art.

I got nothing accomplished... or maybe I got everything accomplished... there are still piles on my office floor, but I did locate my encaustic book. I found a site on encaustic monotypes I'd like to play with and made reservations for a room in September so I can attend the Natalie Goldberg workshop in Sedona. Things are rolling out even though I don't know what they are rolling out to....

I guess the bottom line is though, I spent my weekend with the people I love the most, the people who love me, and I can't imagine it being better than this. No, I did not get the clutter cleaned up in my office, but it will wait another day or week for me.

love and peace


Connie said...

Now I'm jealous of you---I want to go to Natalie Goldberg's workshop!!

Peace & Love.

Barbara said...

come along...