Saturday, September 13, 2008


I have noticed that I have not been eating well. Oh, I do all right for breakfast and lunch. For breakfast I eat basically the same thing every day, and lunch I pack in to school and it usually involves a salad and rice or beans or hummus, and maybe a small granny smith apple. Almonds to snack on, or maybe half of one of those new protein bars. But it is dinner I have really been slip-sliding through. I eat with disinterest and I am beginning to think, poor judgement. I eat like I don't really care about myself and this has got to stop. I have this really beautiful kitchen now and I feel like I'd like to begin celebrating it and myself with delicious, healthy food.

This morning I browsed through my Real Food Daily and Vegetarian cookbooks and began to look at some of the beautiful, healthy entrees I find there. I tend to like the vegetarian cookbook better - fewer, simpler ingredients and plus they are smaller, so I don't feel like I need to throw a party to get rid of all the food - and identified a couple things I'd like to begin with. A spinach pie or a tomato feta pizza. Each easy and straight forward and nutritious... the protein-carb-fat ratio is within the realm of acceptable. And they look yummy and just right for still hot late September in Arizona.
I need to clean this desk I am sitting at, and the whole room really, then clean my refrigerator, which still has not been organized since the remodel. After that I will know what ingredients I need to produce my first dish.... I think the spinach pie....
I want this to be a new leaf I am turning over. One that says I value myself and I am worth beautiful healthy meals every day.

peace, love and vote Obama : )


Anonymous said...

the kitchen looks great! can't wait to see it in person.

and I will be making the same commitment to good food starting tomorrow. 2 weeks on vacation has wreaked havoc on my diet.

Connie said...

I've been having the same issues lately with food also. I wonder what it is? Autumn setting in? School starting and just wanting to eat comfort food to relax? Or just pure laziness? I'm not sure. But, I'm going to make an effort like you to eat better also...and send you good food vibes each time I do!!!

Peace & Love.