Tuesday, September 30, 2008

what I'm thinking about

I'm thinking about my trip and trying to look forward to putting on jeans and -gulp!- support pantyhose for the 17 hour plane ride... My sister tells me the support hose will leave me feeling energetic and with no swollen ankles when I land in Geneva... she better be right.

I'm thinking about the kids the teachers tell me are rats when they drop them at the door and they are never the ones who turn out to be rats for me... and how I wish they would never do that.

I'm thinking about the bailout and debt and this never ending campaign that leaves me on pins and needles. I'm thinking about where I will spend election night... not home this time... I want to be with other Obama supporters for this one. Where are Obama people gathering on election night?

I'm thinking about Pete who has had a fever and a rash and a little kindergartner who was stung by a scorpion that was in her hair!!!

I'm thinking about the things I don't want to forget and things I am sick of thinking about.

I'm thinking that since I took that writing workshop I have absolutely nothing to say and that I find myself boring and redundant.

I'm thinking about how much I love tempera paint and how glad I will not have to mess with it for a couple weeks.

I'm thinking I need a manicure and an eyebrow wax.

And last, I'm thinking about Fabian, who when I told them to draw a picture of their family and to include pets, drew a picture of an elephant who he told me slept with him and loved peanuts... isn't that great?

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