Sunday, April 20, 2008

counting stitches meditation

This past week, I think I have been practicing just being. Just being in the moment, just being present, just being happy in it's simplest form. One thing that helps me 'just be', is knitting. The click of the needles, the self-talk (one, two) to keep my pattern going, the pausing to look at what I am doing... even the little mistakes, which I seldom rip out, are all part of staying in this one place.

I'm making a purse from the knitted bag book I bought at the thrift store and some stash Rowan cotton-linen yarn I had bought as part of a ridiculously discounted kit a few years ago. I love it so far. I made a teeny mistake while knitting this morning, I one-two'd where I should have just purled all the way. But I think in the little nubs that have been created I might stitch in a bead. What you can't fix, feature, I always tell the kids.


Anonymous said...

The colors look really pretty... are you going to felt it?

Barbara said...

cotton/linen don't felt. This will be a summer bag. Lined, I think.