Sunday, December 14, 2008

number three

Pete's 3rd birthday and we are at the fire department. The whole force turned out for him and the kids and parents who attended. It was really great, even I learned a thing or two about what a fireman does.
like the foam they mix into the water is often just detergent.... the detergent acts to smother the flames... even the water coming from this hose was laced with this foaming stuff.
W gets his shot at manning the hose. They saw the ladder go up on the fire engine, watched the helicopter take off and land, saw where the fireman lived and had about a hundred questions answered... The guys at the fire department were great.

They even had a few minutes to play around the water before they were herded off to see something else.

Even Mom was given a turn to have some fun as she donned the fire suit complete to helmet, mask and oxygen tank...

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