Saturday, January 12, 2008

Sunday Scribblings: Date

Today I went to AJ's to meet K. for coffee and a catch-up talk. She didn't come.

This is the kind of person I am. I make a commitment, I work to keep it. Now I tell myself that this is an anal attitude. I know that it is not necessarily healthy and that I need to become more gentle with myself and with others. Some promises, you cannot, should not keep... I know all this... but a lifetime of learned expectation is hard to break.

On the drive to AJ's I realized I did not have my cell phone. I remember thinking I should have brought it, in case I needed to call K. Somehow, even then, I sensed there might be a glitch in the plan.

When I got there and did not see her, I ordered a coffee, found a table where I would be easily seen, in the sun, pulled out the book I was reading, The Year of Magical Thinking, and began to read. It was lovely there, sitting in the sun. I think, only in Arizona can it be only forty degrees, but you can sit outside in the sun and be warmed all the way through.

I read the line, "it was like being nibbled to death by ducks." and immediately knew I what that felt like. I read, "I wrote the column letting readers know who I was." and thought I had a long way to go before I could write like that... but that I wanted to. I enjoyed myself. I jotted notes in my journal. I asked why I did not give myself the gift of sitting quietly, reading in the sun more often? I also knew she didn't arrive.

I wrote in my journal, "promise... forgiven but noted none the less".

When I got home, I checked my phone. No messages.

She said she called last night and left a message, but I had checked my machine and it did not have one... I do know, though, that my message machine is not getting everything.
She said maybe we could get together tomorrow... and maybe we can...
but at the moment, I am not ready to make it a date.


gautami tripathy said...

It makes me nad when the person you are supposed to meet takes it so casually.!

Tumblewords: said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your dateless day. It's always good to have a reserve plan. And sitting in the sun is, to me, the ultimate comfort.

Keith's Ramblings said...

Can't beat reading a good book in the sun. Beats a date any day!

Whitesnake said...

People are like that sometimes.

Lucy said...

Sounds like sitting in the sun reading a great book, is a great date with yourself. Sometimes when plans fall through, the alternative is more enjoyable! Hope you give your friend a second chance... but my motto is 'always bring along a good book'!
(thanks for visiting me today)

Sherry said...

We hate to be stood matter by whom, no matter at what age we are and no matter the reason...especially when it is flimsy. I love that you read and wrote and in your journal and made the time for you. I love that you didn't immediately agree to another will see. I love your spirit.

I also loved Joan Didion's "The Year of Magical Thinking". It gave me much to think about!

Cherie said...

You're a girl after my own heart! Hope you'll accept my invite to join Blogaholics Anonymous where the details are on my blog!