Thursday, August 30, 2007

when they become more than just your kids

My friend Maria has a little girl. I laughed when Angelina was born, telling Maria she had better keep my number because she is going to need to call me when Lina is fifteen. Fifteen year old girls aren't a lot of fun, from a mom's point of view.

Oh, but twenty-something daughters are the very best thing anyone could ask for... or at least they are all I could ask for.

I have two. They are polar opposites. It has always amazed me they came from the same parents, grew up in the same household. They weren't treated the same, I admit. How does anyone treat all their children the same? I have these friends who say, "oh, I loved them both the same..." and I mutter to myself, "oh, baloney!" Can't be done. Or I couldn't do it... I loved and do love them both passionately, but not the same. My hope is I love them the way they need to be loved.

My girls have become my role models. They have taught me I can stand up for myself and say 'no' in a very quiet but firm voice. They have shown me how to travel, how to enjoy an adventure, how to be okay with no agenda. One has shown me how important food is in life, and the other how to be fragile and strong all at the same time. One makes me laugh and the other makes me feel blessed all the way to my bones.

I have heard from them both today. One to tell me that P. pooped in the potty - High Five, Pete! - and my eldest, who let me know she is taking care of herself - and I think, good, good.

The two most important people in my life... and tonight they are both doing okay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love you mom. this is really nice.