Tuesday, August 28, 2007

changing gears

I went to the library after school today. I needed to return, like, fourteen books that were soon to be due. Most of them were picture books or kid-art activity books... in other words mostly books for school. Today I feel so done with that... or at least so done with thinking about it at all once I leave the building.

Also I am nearing the end of this romance novel. I don't really care for romance novels... they are all so the same no matter how well they are written. My Aunt Jean sent me the one I am reading. She told me the dialogue was amazing... hmmmm, the dialogue is good... but, but, but... the formula is the same and this one, besides the non-stop amazing sex, has a serial killer who mutilates his victims... ick!... so I know the killer is going to nab the heroine and the swashbuckling testosterone male will save her... but I feel this tension as I read. I am so not into more tension.

So today at the library I checked out:
The Energy of Prayer: How to deepen your spiritual practice by Thich Nhat Hanh
Walking Meditation - TN Hanh
Touching the Earth CD... TNHanh
Peace Mantras CD
and (this is the one I am really excited about!)
Goal Free Living: How to have the life you want now.... Stephen Shapiro
Honestly, I don't even know if I will read it, but I just love the title.

And last, because I was going through old photos the other day and felt ancient in comparison to the ten-years-younger me I was looking at, and because a boy told me today, "You should do something with your hair." When I replied that I was thinking the same thing, what did he suggest? He looked at me and scrunched his nose and replied, " You need to go to a hairdresser and do something about your color." (Hmmm, I thought there were bigger issues than color here...)
Anyway, I also checked out Makeover Miracles by Michael Maron. I could find no hair miracle books.

So, except for the little fixer-upper read, all the rest are there to just make me happy and serene.

And tonight is my water yoga class where I will be told to breathe and stretch and relax.


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