Thursday, August 7, 2008

Art Unraveled: Part 2

Ooooo, two days of art classes... don't know if it is that or the caffeinated beverage I drank before class started tonight, but I am completely jazzed.

Plaster. Wax. Texture. Color. Possibilities, possibilities, possibilities.

Part of the fun is doing.... of course that is always part of the fun... starting something knowing nothing and discovering this works and that needs to be completely scraped away or covered up.... of course it is wonderful when you see that something you have done seems to be working out, or when you think of what you could do if you had your entire storehouse of this'n'thats to work into the piece.... but then you begin to wander around the room. You see that this lady over here has woven a ribbon into her piece and you stand and chat, ask questions and watch her work for a minute... then you stray to the woman who has nothing colored yet, but she has pressed these things into hers and you again quiz her on how she did this, where she could go from there... or the woman behind whose colors ran like a rainy day on the window. Lovely, you say. The wire... there are so many options to the wire, or instead of the wire... and it does not have to be a book you discover... it could be anything. Anything. A purse? Well, maybe no... at least not an entire purse, or anyway not a purse that would be overly functional... And I'm not interested in making a purse, really... but I could, that's all.

I didn't take any pictures, though I took my camera. (the excuse) My hands were completely filthy within minutes of starting... and there wasn't much to clean them off with... but the real reason is I was just too busy. So sorry. Maybe when I get whatever I have started finished... or at least to stage two... maybe I will take pictures then... but this thing, book, I started today is just for play. I have other ideas now that I have walked about the room.

I want to hold onto this.... this excitement, this memory of walking the room, talking to people, asking questions... this feeling that if I just would let myself I could unzip this bodysuit that says I'm thus and so, and let my real butterfly free, I could soar.


Connie said...

Oh you are so lucky you could go! School started that week for me, and my district has "black out" days where if you take off on those days you will be deducted a sick day, docked in pay, and written up. Can you believe that? I was so bummed I couldn't go. I really wanted to take a course from Judy Wise!!

Peace & Love.

Connie said...

Oh you are so lucky you could go! School started that week for me, and my district has "black out" days where if you take off on those days you will be deducted a sick day, docked in pay, and written up. Can you believe that? I was so bummed I couldn't go. I really wanted to take a course from Judy Wise!!

Peace & Love.