Wednesday, September 12, 2007

life in Arizona

William, my three year old darling makes "dirt angels" in the dust of his back yard. Just like snow angels except it is necessary to wash your hair after. My daughter says the bath water is disgusting. I suggest she hose them off outside first.

Went to my naturopath today. She upped my thyroid medication and gave me digestive aids to try. I like her... it is so much more than just pill pushing. We talked about lifestyles, food choices and fasting. She is for all things in moderation and against fasting. She told me she thought it was hard on the liver which needs fats and proteins to function well. When I talked to her about my grandsons she listens, asks questions and considers what is happening. So unlike the typical doctor visit. I really feel blessed that I have found her and her new office is just a couple of miles from my daughter's house.

It is hot here. That is an understatement. The temperatures are back above 100 and I am getting very tired of sweating. In Idaho the nights are cooling to the upper 40's, but here the air conditioner continues to crank and I can still take showers in water that runs through a water heater which has been turned off for three months. I look forward to Halloween... I was once guaranteed I could wear a jacket by Halloween night.

I have been reading and listening to the CD that came with the book Walking Meditation. I have learned that when you breath in you say, "yes,yes,yes. and when you breathe out you say "thank you, thank you, thank you." it kind of reminds me of Ann Lamott

Another day done and still don't know (or care, really) where I am going/

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