Saturday, July 14, 2007

art day

This summer, dyane and I have tried to do an art day once a week. Yesterday was our day and we headed out in search of treasure.
Our goal was Greek food, and estate sale shop, an art museum, and beads. I told dyane I was going to buy lunch and copper beads. Period!
Greek food - I had been hearing about this little Greek place that had great gyros. Dyane and I dined and talked about art and color and designs, and the thrift store we could see out the window of the restaurant. While the gyros were really good, the real treat was the pistachio baklava we had after... on to the shops...
The thrift store was pretty typical, but it did have some really nice glassware and one silver compote that dyane and I talked about for a long time... beautiful lines... dyane had them set aside a stack of glass trays for her and we headed on to the Estate Sale place that was down the sidewalk...
This place is a treasure trove of antique jewelry, glass and collectibles, plus some really nice furniture. Dyane took a long time at the jewelry counter while I figured out the pricing system.
I found a pin I liked and handed it to the lady at the counter, then wandered back into the glassware section (I thought it was a safer place for me) while d. continued to browse. This is where I found the tea towels. They were in a locked case. The colors! The textures! I loved them right away, but worked at keeping my distance. When d. finally trailed in, I pointed them out to her and she told me to get someone to unlock the case so we could tale a closer look... they are days-of-the-week towels. Embroidered with little kitties doing housework. I did the "oo-ooo-oo!" thing... which is a clear indication that I am going to purchase whatever is in my hand.
When we left the shop, d. had three bracelets, a necklace and earring set that was fabulous for her, and some little silver coaster... I, the person with all the good intentions had a pin, tea towels and a ring. I told d it was possible that I would never be able to quit my day job.
When we got to the museum, the exhibit we wanted to see was not up... and just as well, we were running out of time and still needed to get to the bead shop we like. There I did stay a little bit more true to my mission. I walked out with lots of coppery things, some great ideas I can't wait to try and some square iridescent seed beads that will make for wonderful texture in some of the designs I am working on.
We got back to my place just in time to throw on our bathing suits and hit my community water aerobics class...
oh, and notice my table? That is coming along too...

1 comment:

dyane said...

it was a great day we had! although, i do miss the silver vessel (huge sigh). am wearing the "rhinestone" earrings, will be having them appraised... play w/ the beads every time i walk by them (often & on purpose) = keep adding/subtracting others to/from the mix. love the continuing of art/play dates (water aerobics too, please) and same beads but individual designs, comparison/contrast idea!!
bottom line, having a friendship that promotes sharing, growth, celebrating simple pleasures, grand designs (thank you god, even for george) and even doubts... this is truly a blessing that can not be measured. it is life affirming. thank you, barb!
p.s. the table is too cool.