Thursday, July 24, 2008


I have 5 days until summer vacation is over and though I have enjoyed myself, and made big headway in the remodel-your-house category, I feel like I have frittered it all away.

Today I woke up to a disaster in my kitchen... yesterday evening after dinner I started pulling things out of cabinets, moving things in, sorting, shoving, puzzling... I have plenty of tea. In fact I should give up coffee entirely and just work on the tea and maybe by Christmas I can justify brewing a cup of Joe... the counters the dining room table were full of cups and plates and vitamin bottles (rivals my tea collection).

Now it is afternoon and though I have sorted and boxed things for Goodwill and placed other things safely out of the way until the construction is over, the kitchen still looks a mess... I am painting a fat lady on my pulleditfromafreebin bathroom scale and at the same time painting a couple of found S&P shakers for youngest daughter... I've burned some CD's for a friend of mine and I am stripping one of my kitchen cabinet doors hoping I can get it to blend well enough that I do not have to strip them all..

What I would like to do... what would help me feel most ready to return to school ... is get everything organized, put away, dusted and neatly stacked. It is not going to happen. My kitchen project maybe will not happen until the end of August. Until then I will live around a fridg, stove and dishwasher in my entry along side an IKEA wardrobe (it will become my new pantry) still in the box. I'm going to try to box things and stash so that when all the parts come in, the kitchen will be worker friendly.

Anyway, shuffle bump crunch... that is how the day has been... a little of this, a little of that. I caught some kids throwing boxes out behind a Wendy's today, I nabbed a couple only to realize they smell pretty strongly of frozen chicken... they will sit outside in the sun until I am ready for them. I also picked up two more gallons of "oops" paint... the orange has to go in the middle bedroom... but right now if it happens before Christmas I am ok with it.

I'm happy. Lord knows why... maybe because my hair looks better today... check out this curly girl site even without the product they were using the twist and flip method of getting your hair to have a style really works... or maybe it is because when I pulled out my vitamins yesterday I took all them rather than skipping like I've done all summer... or it could be the Sonia Choquette CD's I've been listening to? Whatever it is, I am so thankful to be experiencing this shift.

I know I have been in the process of changing direction... part of it has been manifest in the art classes I have taken and will take in the next couple weeks, part of it is in this remodel of a house I thought I would be leaving... but where I am going, other than into my kitchen to face that cabinet door, I do not know. And that is okay too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm a little concerned. what are you picking up outside the back of Wendy's? sounds a little sketchier than the Grocery Outlet.