Tuesday, July 29, 2008

7 point list

I had a to-do list today... it is my last day and suddenly I feel I need to get things done!

1. Pay all bills - mail them: isn't it odd that this kind of task gets shoved along, out of the way, until the last minute... and they are all last minute bills, none overdue, but somehow I knew I needed to attend to them and I did.
2. Move $$ where necessary... this goes hand in hand with the pay bills thing... this kind of paperwork is not something I hate, just something I put off... anyway, I visited this and know once again where I am down to the dime and can leave all cash where it is for another week.
3. go to gym, work what does not hurt.... I joined a new gym the other day, a bike ride or five minute walk from my front door. I want to use it, I want to get to a more fit place, I have felt myself slipping since menopause and I'd like to see if I can turn the tide a bit without going postal about it... anyway, I was there yesterday and have some sore spots, so went today and did some abs... the item that needs the most work.
4. go to yoga... going already! in one half hour.
5. make vision board... and just in the nick of time too, and glad I waited since I think what I want to include is much brighter and more cheerful than what I envisioned before... anyway, I will do this when I get back from yoga.
6. browse the net.... ye-gods! I can spend a lot of time here, but I have begun to discover you-tube(U-tube?) and found this series of encaustic tutorials plus so much more that I could just get lost here forever - like I discovered folks do art in their kitchens and here I am grousing that I can't do it because I don't have a studio... what a baby!... and I visited Judy Wise and honestly doesn't she just make you want to jump down and get to work...
and last...
7. clean my desk... well okay, most of it was just shoved onto another table (the one I should be making art on) but the desk looks manageable

Anyway, back to school tomorrow and I am looking forward to it... looking forward to saying "unity" and "focal point" to every kid at every level... knowing that with repetition they will get it. I think it is going to be a good year and Art Unraveled is next week.... hurray!

1 comment:

On a Whimsey said...

Hi! I did have a chuckle at your list because so many things are the same... sometimes left until the last minute or an excuse created for not doing it!!!

Thanks for sharing the link for YouTube (isn't it wonderful! - just made my very own video http://uk.youtube.com/user/onawhimsey )and the link for the encaustic tutorials where I shall now spend some time!