Sunday, August 26, 2007

dry heat

One of the stock comments about the summer weather here in Phoenix is that it is a dry heat... and this is sort of true in May, June, and into July... but come the last weekend in August it is just plain hot... and humid, at least by Arizona standards... and the only thing you should be doing is sitting in front of the fan with the air conditioning blowing nicely. But, needless to say, that is not what I have been doing.

Right after church today I picked up a friend and we headed to do some new-home-model browsing. We were interested to see the landscaping, the colors, the decorating touches they were using... for instance I saw a flag stone walk where the flags were set rather far apart (lowering the cost) and in between it was set with concrete and smooth river stone. I can use this idea at my daughter's house. She has a pile of flagstone at her house that needs to be reset... our goal was to get back early enough to still have some day to ourselves and we did it. I arrived home at 12:30, but on my answering machine was a call from another friend I have been trying to get together with, so within minutes I was out the door again to meet J. for a smoothie and a chat. With that accomplished I stopped and I filled my gallon water bottles and hit the health food store for a gallon of aloe vera juice. So, I have been outside, or at least out and about for most of the day. Not the best idea on a day like today.

But now I am home and a romance novel is calling my name. Time for some rest and rejuvination.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought you were planning on relaxing this weekend. No commitments, just "you" time. What happened...?